Petals and Space
That was dark. That last post was dark. Is my life always darkness? No. There’s light and a lot of it. And more importantly there’s space for light. There are places that were once dark and damaged that are cleared up, cleaned out. Maybe they need a little paint and a little TLC, but there’s space for the right people. It’s those horrific moments that allow me to find complete joy in silly little things. In the way grass tickles my feet, or that I’m allowed to have the chance to be me. If I find something amusing, I don’t hide it. I can’t. I’m alive and I’ve moved beyond those dark places. I’ve rebuilt myself. And there’s space for light and laughter and love. So after such a heavy and dark post, I thought I’d revisit a lighter gift. It’s Saturday and we’re on the couch. He’s been playing video games and I’m reading one of my favorite books, the kids are doing what they please. I can hear them and even though he’s trying to keep them quiet, I don’t mind. It’s the sound of life. It’...