Ho Ho Ho
Oh man, the weekend has barely started and I’m already writing. Buckle up, it’s already starting to get serious. So last weekend we all piled into cars and went to see my metamour, C, cross the stage and earn a degree. It was interesting having come with my boyfriend and his wife and meeting my husband there as the partner to C, watching her son little T. It was probably one of the most surreal moments in poly I’ve experienced so far, and blows me away that we were both quite capable of handling it. I found myself once more in a sort of flow in between. At times I sat next to my husband and felt like his partner, but when C then came around I was able to step back and just go where needed. In the photographs, my arms are around the Bs eldest daughter, K. For someone who hates ambiguity, I sure am finding a comfortable spot in the most ambiguous place when we’re all together. I attribute this to my own sense of independence. I remain Poison Ivy, going as I please, willing whatever r...